On 30 September in partnership with the Centre for Gender History at Glasgow University and Strathclyde Law School at the University of Strathclyde, WiSE Research Centre are co-hosting a special…
On Friday 26 August, Dr Angela O’Hagan joined a panel of speakers at ‘Stability Matters’ organised as part of the Social Policy Conference series by Perth, Angus and Dundee Citizens…
Jen Broadhurst, WiSE PhD student, gave a talk last week at an event “Exploring a Basic Income” run by Extra Second Poetry. Annie Miller from Citizen’s Basic Income Network Scotland…
Brexit, GERS and Inclusive Growth The Scottish Government’s analysis of the consequences of Brexit for the Scottish economy indicates a significant loss in the level of output by 2030. The…
In autumn 2015 Lenzie Academy re-launched its school house scheme, nominating the late Prof. Ailsa McKay as one of the outstanding Scots to bear a house name. Since then,…
On 14 July, WiSE researchers Dr Angela O’Hagan and Dr Zofia Lapniewska welcome a delegation from the Ministry of Finance of the Government of Vietnam. Led by NGUYEN Thi Hai…
GCU researcher awarded feminist economics prize 30 June 2016 Katharina Sarter, Ailsa McKay Post-Doctoral Fellow in the WiSE Research Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) has won the Rhonda Williams…
Read More Dr Sarter Awarded Rhonda Williams Prize in Economics
A working paper “Understanding Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing: A proposal for a conceptual framework” co-authored by Dr Katharina Sarter, WiSE Research Centre, within the framework of the COST…
Read More Understanding Policy Toolkits on Employment and Ageing
Join us for Research Day 2016, a celebration of GCU’s research excellence. The showcase will comprise of a central exhibition area and a range of guest speakers, reflecting GCU’s unique…
Dr Angela O’Hagan and Dr Zofia Lapniewska, WiSE Research Team will be taking part in a workshop at the Glasgow Women’s Library on 3rd June discussing gender, care-provision and inequality…
Read More Invitation to Who Cares: Gender, Care-Provision and In-equality Past and Present