WiSE Centre for Economic Justice would like you to join them in celebrating International Women’s Day 2019 at a double seminar with two leading academics on crucial issues of our…
Glasgow Caledonian University leads the EU AMIF (Asylum and Migrant Integration Fund) funded two year project VOLPOWER: Enhancing Community Building and Social Integration through Dialogue and Collaboration amongst Young Europeans…
VOLPOWER studies how volunteering could contribute to youth interaction and empowerment. It investigates the impacts of personal politics, geography, mobility and creativity on community building and integration. We aim to…
DEMOS is built on the assumption that populism is symptomatic of a disconnect between how democratic policies operate and how citizens perceive their own aspirations, needs and identities within the…
With the goal of enhancing the governance capacity and policy coherence of the EU, its member states and neighbours, RESPOND is a comprehensive study of migration governance in the wake…
How does austerity impact on women’s human rights? Event Date: Tuesday 4th December 2018 NYU London, 6 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3RA, 10am – 12.00pm DebtHuman Rights The Independent Expert on…
Read More How does austerity impact on women’s human rights?
WISE Researcher launches new book on gender budgeting On 9th May, the Department of Social Sciences, Media and Journalism is hosting the launch of a new book co-edited and written…
Read More WISE Researcher launches new book on gender budgeting
Emily Thomson has been awarded a Research Fellowship at the Scottish Parliament. Working within the Scottish Parliament Information Centre, Emily will be investigating employer practices and attitudes to advancing gender equality over several…
“Gender Budgeting in Europe: Developments and Challenges” has just been published. Co-edited by Angela O’Hagan (WISE) and Elisabeth Klatzer, joint co-ordinators of the European Gender Budgeting Network, this volume is…
Read More Gender Budgeting in Europe: Developments and Challenges
The Third Annual Ailsa McKay Memorial Lecture will be held on Thursday 17 May. Stephanie Seguino, internationally renowned feminist economist, will deliver this year’s lecture. Stephanie Seguino is a Professor…