“There’s a lot of really cool people and interesting projects that have widened my knowledge of the subject area.”

4th-year Computer Games Design student Raiyan Mehmood discusses his time at the university so far, the opportunities offered to him and his future plans and goals.

Why you chose to study your course at GCU?

Glasgow is a booming hub for digital skills. Before everything tech used to be based in Dundee or London, but GCU is taking lead with skills development in this area so it was a no brainer. It’s also 1st in Scotland and 2nd in the UK for animation and game design so it’s a great choice.

Favourite thing about studying your course at GCU? 

There’s a lot of really cool people and interesting projects that have widened my knowledge of the subject area. The variety in the modules gives a good overview of the product and game development process. There are also opportunities to specialize and build a unique space for yourself as a creative. Plus, some of the lecturers will push you to be the best you can and support you on your journey.

What opportunities have been offered to you through studying your course at GCU?

Currently we’re building our online portfolios and learning what it’s like to be professionals in the field. It’s a crucial aspect as it helps students define themselves – that sort of opportunity to learn and capitalise on your motivations and passions to show employers doesn’t really exist at other universities. I’ve also had the pleasure of working with clients including the GCU sustainability team and National Museums Scotland to create unique game projects alongside talented people. There’s also the Global Games Jam every year which I haven’t managed to attend, but I’ve heard from folk that it’s fun and intensive in challenging your creativity.

Has studying your course at GCU prepared you for working life?

More so! I’ve gained new passions for fields such as User Experience and project management which opens the door to transfer my skills to different disciplines. In a competitive job market, it’s reassuring to know I’ve gained a confidence in applying myself effectively in different roles. There’s no shortage of extra-curricular activities either – I’ve been part of student ambassadors, student voice, carbon literacy training, the PALS group and secretary for the CISA society (2 years running!). You’ll leave GCU knowing you’re a highly competent young professional that has a wealth of experience in and out of academia.

Favourite module studied and why?

It’s got to be subjects like human computer interaction, user psychology and game user research. You’d think you wouldn’t need to study these subjects for games, but you’ll actually find they are crucial to how we interact with technology. I got to carry out user tests exploring emotion and behaviour to help solve problems which improved my projects. These are super interesting and you’ll find yourself looking at technology and games in an entirely different perspective.

What is your plan when you finish studying?

I’m keeping my options open! I might be eyeing an officer position at GCU because I feel confident in leading students and improving the university experience. I’ve initiated several lobbies through student voice, some of which have come or are coming to fruition such as the GCU app and new campus masterplan. I want to take these forward further and put my leadership skills to the test. I’ve always believed in my old high school’s motto to “leave a place better than how you found it”.

What is your 5-year plan?

I’m hoping to build my way through the ranks to a leadership position in the Scottish Government or a large tech company like Google. I’d want to capitalise on my experiences to drive projects that have a positive impact on people. Down the line I’d like to revisit my games background and work on some interesting projects too! I might even return to GCU and take a leading role since I love it so much here.

Thank you to Raiyan for featuring in our #UndergradSpotlight. If you would like to feature on our social channels please fill out this form – https://bit.ly/40rUtop or contact us at socialmedia@gcu.ac.uk.

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