1st-year Risk Management student Caitlin Hastie discusses her time at the university so far, the opportunities offered to her and her future plans and goals.
Why you chose to study your course at GCU?
Apart from being the only undergraduate course in Scotland, I chose this course because I enjoy planning and evaluating. This requires both of those skills. It is very topical and interesting too.
Favourite thing about studying your course at GCU?
I enjoy the topics and learning how to put my skills to use in the ‘real world’. Knowing after my time at GCU, I can work anywhere with any company in the world.
What opportunities have been offered to you through studying your course at GCU?
Class representation and a position on the board of Risk and Finance Society.
Has studying your course at GCU prepared you for working life?
Yes, however a long way to go yet!
Favourite module studied and why?
Fundamentals of Risk Management as it gives me the essentials skills and knowledge for working life.
What is your plan when you finish studying?
To get a good work position as an undergrad and build my connections further.
What is your 5-year plan?
To continue my studies at GCU – 3 years, to work in the field, possibly move to Dubai and work over there, buy a house and possibly come back to GCU and do my masters in Risk Management
Thank you to Caitlin for featuring in our #UndergradSpotlight. If you would like to feature on our social channels please fill out this form – https://bit.ly/40rUtop or contact us at socialmedia@gcu.ac.uk.
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