“I was able to participate and represent my university during the Arctic Council simulation and I have now received a summer placement through a company that had visited GCU.”

3rd year Environmental Civil Engineering student Chelsea McCluskey discusses her time at the university so far, the opportunities that have been offered to her and her future plans and goals.

Why you chose to study your course at GCU?

I heard good things about Glasgow Caledonian and had it put down as my second university choice. Things such as good networking, lecturers and overall supportive student union.

Favourite thing about studying your course at GCU? 

The extra curriculars I’m able to participate in through being a GCU student, society’s and course focused activities.

What opportunities have been offered to you through studying your course at GCU?

I was able to attend on site experience for a week to build a bridge. I was able to participate and represent my university during the Arctic Council simulation and I have now received a summer placement through a company that had visited GCU.

Has studying your course at GCU prepared you for working life?

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic I think working life may be unpredictable, I am aware of some things but I think I still need a lot of catching up to do.

Favourite module studied and why?

Transportation, I have found it the most interesting module to learn about the infrastructure of transport and what we are doing for the future of transport.

What is your plan when you finish studying?

Travel for around 4 months and then apply to the company I’m working my summer placement with.

What is your 5-year plan?

Travel, find a good work opportunity, travel around Scotland, potentially come back to study a masters, and to maybe take a college course in car mechanics, and or study the German language.

Thank you to Chelsea for featuring in our #UndergradSpotlight. If you would like to feature on our social channels please fill out this form – https://bit.ly/40rUtop or contact us at socialmedia@gcu.ac.uk.

Apply to Glasgow Caledonian today – https://www.gcu.ac.uk/study/undergraduate.

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