Reflections from one year into my PhD journey in the UK

By Ntani Suh Nsutebu

It has always been my dream to pursue a career in research and enroll into a PhD program in a prestigious University like Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU). I can vividly recall the day I got a scholarship offer to pursue my PhD studies within the Safeguarding Health through Infection Prevention (SHIP) research Group while I was working as a project pharmacist in Kumba, a town located in the conflict inflicted Southwest region of Cameroon. I received the good news with a lot of excitement as this was a unique opportunity to achieve my dreams and conduct research in an area that aligned with my interests. Briefly, my research focuses on a behavioral, environmental and microbiological investigation of the use of sinks in hospital settings.

Although I had pursued a greater part of my education in another African country, I was a little anxious about this new adventure in the UK, however, such feelings quickly disappeared with the enormous support from everyone within the SHIP research group and the wider GCU community.

At the beginning my supervisors supported me throughout the process of developing a detailed plan for my research and orientation on the expectations from the student and the supervisory team. It was a little challenging initially, as the method of learning was different from where I came from, however, my supervisors have always been available to provide guidance as I sail through the process. I organize regular supervisory meetings with my supervisors during which I am free to discuss whatever ideas and challenges, I face with my research. Besides studies I have also had opportunities to partake in social events with other members of the SHIP research group, which is a means for me to relax and regain some energy.

I have been able to accomplish some milestones during this period which include publication of the protocol for a scoping review on my research topic. The abstract from this review has been accepted as a poster presentation at Infection Prevention Conference 2024 in Birmingham, UK. I also enrolled and completed two courses organized by the Graduate School at GCU which have been helpful in building up my skills in research and writing. I have attended several SHIP group meetings and participated in two public engagement activities.

I look forward to the next stage of my PhD during which I will design and carry out an empirical study on my research topic. From my experience so far, I have learnt that pursuing a PhD requires maintaining focus, being patient, planning, and re-strategizing when necessary. With this mindset, I am confident that I can continue to make progress and overcome the challenges that lie ahead for the rest of my studies.

To find out more about the SHIP team, head on to the GCU website, read the rest of our blogs and follow us on Twitter @SHIPGCU

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