The SHIP team at GCU are hugely excited to be part of SHAIPI (The Scottish Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Institute).
This is a new consortium which included Glasgow Caledonian, Glasgow, Strathclyde, St Andrews and Dundee Universities in partnership with clinicians and NHS Stakeholders. It has been awarded a £4,249,749 grant from the Chief Scientist’s Office/Scottish Infection Research Network to develop into an internationally recognised institute of excellence in HAI research. This development will provide a virtual hub of 3 complementary work streams: molecular epidemiology, informatics and applied infection prevention and control research over an initial 5 year period, contributing to an inter related programme of activities of: research, capacity building, education and practice with the aim of reducing HAI.
The SHIP team at GCU will lead the applied infection prevention and control workstream, generating income of £1 million to GCU over the next 5 years and resulting in new research posts and funded PhDs for GCU.
Below is a photo of the cabinet secretary visiting the consortium. More information can be found on the SHAIPI website or from the individual partners.