About to leave GCU and worried about all the references you have collected? We now have the RefWorks alumni service which will allow you to keep using RefWorks after you have graduated. Instructions on how to set up your free account are on our RefWorks FAQ page.
New Inter-library loan service available
Our new Inter-library loan service (Clio) is now up and running! If you need an item for your coursework, teaching or research, and we don’t have it in stock, you can request it through Clio. Check our ILL web page for full details.
New Biosis previews database
We now have access to Biosis Previews from 1969 to the present as part of the Web of Knowledge database.
BIOSIS Previews is the world’s most comprehensive reference database for life science research. It covers original research reports and reviews in traditional biological and biomedical areas. It also covers references to primary journal literature on vital biological research, medical research findings, and discoveries of new organisms.
It indexes nearly 6000 journal titles.
You can search Biosis Previews separately or combine searches with the other databases on Web of Knowledge. Coming soon on the same platform: the Biosis Citation Index!
Trailblazing from the Royal Society
To celebrate our 350th anniversary in 2010, Royal Society Publishing will be launching several commemorative initiatives, details at http://royalsocietypublishing.org/seefurther. Today Trailblazing takes most of the headlines on launch day and it has already received international media interest. Trailblazing is a user-friendly, ‘explore-at-your-own-pace’, virtual journey through science. It showcases sixty fascinating and inspiring articles selected from an archive of more than 60,000 published by the Royal Society between 1665 and 2010. It can be found at http://royalsociety.org/trailblazing. Each article has a short commentary and is presented in the form of a timeline alongside a series of major world historical events to illustrate the content in which each discovery was made.
e-Anatomy database
The Library has just signed up to a new e-Anatomy database. Access is available on-campus only.
Welcome addition to Film & Sound Online database!
The EDINA Film & Sound Online service provides free access to hundreds of hours of film, video and sound material which can be used in learning, teaching and research.
Recently added is a huge collection of material from the Wellcome Trust. The collection amounts to over 60 films and inlcudes quality material intended for doctors, surgeons, nurses and students. You can trace the evolution of medicine and health over the last 100 years.
Access the service from the library A-Z database page or from here http://www.filmandsound.ac.uk/
Free global pocasts from GMID!
We have a brand new free resource now available in GMID – Global PODCASTS!!
The official title is “Globalcast”, Euromonitor’s new podcast series bringing you the latest trends and insight on industries, countries and consumers worldwide. With this series, we bring users behind the scenes of the global marketplace with interviews and analysis from our expert research analysts. These discussions provide the listener with innovative concepts from around the globe currently impacting consumers and our specialist industries.
You will now find the podcast link, under LINKS on the GMID homepage, located under Technical Support.
The PODCASTS themselves are absolutely fantastic allowing students to download the podcast of their choice to their I-pod or listening to them at their computer.
Try them at : http://euromonitor.libsyn.com/
New journal archives from JISC Collections
The Library has signed agreements with JISC to provide access to the following archives at no extra cost to the University. Access is available until 31st May 2013.
The Brill Journal Archive:
(http://www.jisc-collections.ac.uk/catalogue/brill) contains 57,263 articles and includes one of the world’s oldest academic journals on Chinese studies, T’oung Pao.
The Periodicals Archives Online: JISC Collections Selection
(http://www.jisc-collections.ac.uk/catalogue/pao) contains 288,006
articles and includes works such the anonymous article in Foreign
Affairs which defined US foreign policy throughout the Cold War.
(http://www.jisc-collections.ac.uk/catalogue/tga) contains 20,000 articles and includes journals by some of the foremost professional membership organisations in the field of planning, the environment and architecture: Royal Institute of British Architects and the Association of European Schools of Planning.
NewsFilm online
We now have acces to NewsFilm online which is a JISC-funded service, offering access to over 3,000 hours of downloadable television news and cinema newsreels, selected from the huge ITN/Reuters Television Archives (about 60,000 stories) You can search the service via the NewsFilm Online home page:
Login and select Glasgow Caledonian University from the pull down menu and access will be allowed using
your Athens userid and password
Content includes
- Channel 4 news & News at 10 1982-2006
- Channel 5 1996-2006
- Gaumont newsreels 1920-1959
- ITN News Reports 1955-1967
- Unreleased footage 1910-2006
“users are permitted to embed clips in virtual learning environments or presentations and can “quote” from the teaching and learning materials just as they would quote from a printed resource”
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This blog will keep you up to date with the latest developments and going-ons here at the Saltire Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University.
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