Make cash payments using our self-service machines


Our library self-service machines on Level 1 can now be used to pay cash for outstanding fines.  All you need to do is:

  • Touch the screen to select ‘My Library Account’
  • Place your student/staff card on the reader icon
  • From the options displayed, choose ‘Pay charges’ and follow the instructions to pay your fine
  • Select ‘Finish’ to end the session

To find out more about the library self-service machines, read this blog

New Evidence Based Practice resources available from the library

Evidence based practice – access for NHS and Higher Education across Scotland

We are delighted to announce that a range of clinical evidence summary resources are now available here at GCU until 6th July 2016. These resources combine support for direct patient care and for education, through evidence-based and problem-based approaches to learning about best clinical practice, and linking quick guidance to deeper knowledge for self-directed study.

Selection of these resources (procured via tender by NHS Education for Scotland) is based on extensive consultation with practitioners and a rigorous evaluation process which considered scope, access and usability, delivery channels, evidence-based methodology, and design for education. Continue reading

Legacy version of GCU Harvard on RefWorks

The Library no longer supports or updates the GCU Harvard (also known as School of Health Harvard) output style on RefWorks due to multiple versions being in use throughout the university. However, a legacy version of GCU Harvard is still available for those who wish to use it. Instructions for adding GCU Harvard (Legacy version) are given below.

The instructions below show you how to use the Output Style Manager to add the legacy version of GCU Harvard to your output style favourites list in RefWorks. Alternatively you may want to find out more about the new Harvard British Standard Referencing Guidelines available from the library.

To add GCU Harvard (Legacy version – no longer updated or supported) to your Output Style favourites:

1. Visit the Bibliography menu and select Output Style Manager.

2. The Output Style Manager will open.

RefWorks Output Image 13. The List of Output Styles in the left-hand column shows all of the output styles available in RefWorks.  The right-hand column shows the styles which will show in your list of favourites.

4.  Search for GCU Harvard using the Search box. You will be offered GCU Harvard Legacy version (no longer updated or supported), you can “move” this style into your Favorites list by selecting the style name in the left-hand column and clicking on the Add to Favorites green arrow icon.

Picture 2


Picture 35. You can remove a style from your Favorites by selecting the style and clicking on the Remove from Favorites green arrow icon .  You can remove all styles in your Favorites by just clicking on the Remove All button.

6. Close the Output Style Manager to return to your previous page.


Need further help? Contact your librarian.

Harvard referencing – new guidance

Harvard Guidelines CoverThe academic librarians have created guidance for Harvard referencing based on the current British Standard (BS ISO 690:2010).  Our web pages have comprehensive guidance and examples of widely used sources of digital and print information.  You can download the full guide as a PDF  or use the quick links on the web site for specific examples.

We have followed the style of references in the current standard (BS ISO 690:2010) to create our Harvard guide but students should check their module handbook or with their lecturer for the style they are required to use.  The library also provides links and support for other referencing conventions.

If the type of material you want to reference is not included in our guidance or if you want to suggest we cover another referencing style please let us know and we will consider  this for  future guidance.

The library website is the authoritative source for the current guide.  We will review the guide annually to include any required changes and to reflect the current British Standard.

Users of RefWorks should choose the Harvard British Standard 2010 output style which is consistent with our guide. The Library will no longer support or update the GCU Harvard (also known as School of Health Harvard) output style on RefWorks due to multiple versions being in use throughout the university. However, a legacy version of GCU Harvard will still be available for those who wish to use it. Instructions for adding GCU Harvard to your favourites in RefWorks are available here.

Please contact your academic librarian for help or to give feedback on these changes.

New library self-service machines

We are pleased to introduce our new library self-service machines. A total of 6 machines have been installed throughout the library:
• 2 on Level 1
• 1 each on Levels 0,2,3,4

The new library self-service machines have more functionality than the old models, you can now:

Borrow and return books in one easy transaction – you can stack all your books on the machine shelf, there’s no need to place one book at a time as the improved functionality scans all of your books.

Check your account details – gain immediate access to your account and renew books there and then, check and change any items you have on hold

NB: Staff who want to use the new machines please visit the Library Desk for further instruction.

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The Womens Wear Daily Archive

We are pleased to announce that we have trial access to the Women’s Wear Daily Archive until the end of July. This will take us up to the start of an annual subscription from 1st August.

This  is comprehensive archive of Women’s Wear Daily, from the first issue in 1910 to material from within the last twelve months, reproduced in high-resolution images and will complement our Vogue Archive which is also available on the Proquest Platform.

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Library Scanning Service [reminder]

The library scanning service helps staff make book chapters and journal articles more easily accessible for to your students. Our Scanning team will digitise the material and add the PDF files to GCULearn. You can then link to them from your module pages.

For more information about the scanning service and to request a new scan please complete the online request form on our scanning web page.

If you wish to renew existing scans, please email the team and include ‘Renew existing scans’ in the Subject line of your email. Please include your department, module code/trimester, module title, course leader and number of students. Please submit your requests for 2015/16 as early as possible

If you have any other queries about the scanning service please contact us at

Smart tables

In May we tweeted about our newest tech resource – the smart table, available on Level 1 of the Library.  We’ve just taken delivery of our second search table which can be found on Level 4 and expect the final two search tables delivered before the start of the new semester.

What are they?  Smart tables are a new digital tool to help you make better use of your library by providing instant access to library information and resources. Continue reading

GCU approves Open Educational Resources (OER) policy

The University Executive recently approved an Open Educational Resources (OER) policy. This policy places GCU among the key players in open practice in Scotland and the UK. You can view the policy on the university website.

What are OERs? OERs are digital materials that are made available online to be used or re-purposed for teaching, learning and research. They can include images, audio, video, animations, content modules and other digital resources. Continue reading