Technical issue [Construction on i-law]

We are currently experiencing access issues to the resource i-Law (Building Law Reports), this is due to problems with the platform at the publishers end.

We are currently working with the publisher to resolve this issue ASAP and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you are having any issues with online resources, please contact the Electronic Resource Team atĀ 


Technical issue [Westlaw]

The library is aware of intermittent issues with the online database Westlaw currently, this is due to problems with the website at the publishers end. Westlaw error message displaying an error that says "your profile contains no valid registration keys. Contact your administrator for assistance or sign in to OnePass to manage your profile.If any users are trying to access the Westlaw database and see an error message that states, “Your profile contains no valid registration keys”, please contact the library team at immediately. We will then investigate this issue on your behalf.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.