I am still receiving lots of enquiries about the programme and currently processing your application forms. I will be away from 12/7 until 25/7 on university business and some AL. Please continue to send your application forms etc (see earlier blog posts for your supporting evidence, references etc) to GCU admissions at admissions@gcu.ac.uk and I will process these on my return. The programme needs to have 15 students registered to be viable to run. I am expecting a class size larger than this but I am obliged to let you know this information (as I have done every year since 2012) in the rare event we do not have a full class and the programme does not run. We have a had a class every year since 2008 and I am looking forward receiving quite a few more applications following some recent email contact. Induction will be on Thursday 20th September and I look forward to meeting you all then. Meantime, enjoy this fabulous summer. Best wishes helen (Programme Leader, PgC Education in academic and practice settings (teacher preparation)
Processing applications
I am currently processing applications so please send any references, copies of certificates to both me and post-grad admissions to speed up the process.
Add any questions here or call me direct on 331 8333
New applicants
Great to see so much interest in the PgC EAPS programme. Many thanks to all 12 of you so far who have submitted application forms. You will all receive an email asking for supporting evidence to allow me to progress your application. What I require from each of you is detailed below and of course if you have already sent your references/copies of degree qualification etc then I tailor the email for you.
Here is what is required to support every application and I am happy to receive scanned email copies:
- One academic and one professional reference (on headed notepaper and signed)
- Copies of academic and professional qualifications such as degree/honours qualifications and any masters modules you have completed
- Your statement of entry from NMC/HCPC
- A completed honours level equivalency if you do not hold an honours degree or M level modules (I will attach guidance)
- Your personal statement supporting application for this particular programme (so your teaching as a professional and why this programme will enhance your professional practice)
Please email your attachments to BOTH me and hlspostgraduate@gcu.ac.uk for speedier processing. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Thoughts from our year two students who complete the PgC in June 2018
Kate (year 2 student May 2018)
This programme has opened the door to my own teaching ability, fostered my enthusiasm and motivation for personal professional development, with the aim to be a teacher of the highest standard. Overall I am thrilled at nearing completion of this programme which has transformed my understanding of a teaching role and has developed my approach to teaching, assessment and curriculum development. To become recognised by the HEA is both an honour and a privilege. This formal recognition provides credibility for my future teaching role.
Joyce (year 2 student May 2018)
I now have a different view of myself as a teacher. I have learned a significant amount about teaching and learning, evaluation, curriculum development and quality assurance. I feel more confident and capable…and view myself as a dual professional. The professional drivers that are influential in my development as a teacher are the NMC quality assessment framework…HEA and QAA. Having reflected on the requirements of the HEA in relation to Fellowship, I believe I have achieved these and enjoyed the process. Overall I have learned the value of CPD in relation to my teaching.
University attendance and fees 2018/19 academic session
dates for your diary (last year the trimester calendar changed in the summer which affected these dates) Therefore these dates will be confirmed in summer 2018 on this BLOG
The theory of teaching, learning and assessment: class sessions 9-1pm
Thursday 27/9/18, 8/11/18, 6/12/18, 14/2/19, 14/3/19, 11/4/19
Curriculum development and quality in educational practice: class sessions 2-4pm
Thursdays 27/9/18, 8/11/18, 6/12/18, 14/2/19, 14/3/19, 11/4/19
GCU post-graduate fees information
Last taught session in year 2 PgC
Last taught session in year 1 PgC
Some quotations gathered from the year 1 PgC EAPS student cohort today
Excellent (course) for AHPs (Kirsty radiographer and year 1 student)
An excellent way to spend your day off- Fantastic module (Maria nurse educator and year 1 student)
Links educational theory to practice and has helped me reflect on practice and make changes (Jane Health Visitor and year 1 student)
Hard work but very rewarding, great opportunity to work with motivated professional. Lots of learning ( anon year 1 student)
Organisation is key, I struggled but kept going. Still hoping to see the light ( anon year 1 student)
As an AHP a really enlightening experience in higher educational approaches outwith my own field ( anon year 1 student)
application interest
Good to see a growing interest in the PgC EAPS mirrored in application forms being sent my way. As a career change, development or interest, undertaking the PgC EAPS will introduce you an evidence base for your teaching practice and entry into a secondary profession.
Application form
Click here to access the application form. helen