My colleague Liz will be acting programme leader over the summer while I am on leave to work on my doctoral thesis. Liz is a module leader in the programme and like me welcomes all applications, notes of interest and any questions. I look forward to meeting up with many of you in September. Best wishes helen
Category Archives: Uncategorized
dates for taught sessions 2017/18
Many thanks to those who have been in touch wanting to know the dates of the 6 taught class sessions for the blended version of the PgC (the other 6 sessions are online and you have 7-10days flexibility to undertake the activities). I fully understand that you need this for planning time away from your current practice so delighted to share these dates with you. They are as follows and all on Thursdays
Tri A Dates: 12/10/17, 9/11/17 and 14/12/17 (plus three online classes in Sept, Oct and Nov)
Tri B Dates: 8/2/18, 8/3/18 and 12/4/18 (plus three online classes in Jan, Feb and March)
For those of you who are looking at the part time option then the educational theory module is taught from 9-1pm and for those who are planning on a fulltime option (if you are working fulltime please contact me to discuss this option) the educational practice module is taught from 2-4pm. Happy to reply to questions posted on the Blog too. Best wishes helen
Supporting statement
Many thanks for the inquiry I received today about the supporting statement that accompanies your application form for the PgC. This statement is to highlight your current educational role with patients/clients/staff and or students and indicates your involvement in the teaching of others. If you have interest in furthering this role or considering career development you can include this too.
For those who do not have an honours degree or have not completed modules at M level you require complete Hons level equivalency following the guidance you have been sent. This involves you submitting an enhanced CV and a supporting statement. This supporting statement is different as it should highlight your career and development including your learning since completing your ordinary degree.
I hope this helps and please keep the inquires coming and again very happy to respond to questions via the Blog too as this will help all of you who are applying for the course. helen
New programme approved
I am delighted to let you know that the new PgC teacher preparation programme entitled:
PgC Education in academic and practice settings
was successfully re-approved yesterday jointly by NMC and Glasgow Caledonian University. There are no conditions or requirements to be made to the programme which means that we can move ahead and finalise our documentation for September. You can view our latest poster at the link below and be aware as administration processes need to catch up with events, you still apply for the current programme, the PgC Education in health and social care meantime. I have received a few more applications which is great so I will have these processed by next week. Looking forward to hearing from you via the Blog helen
applying for the PgC Education in Health and Social Care programme
A few of you have got in contact about the additional evidence that you require to include as part of your application for the programme. As well as your completed application form please also include a supporting statement that indicates your interest in the programme and how the PgC will enhance your current role and career. Please also submit two references, one academic and one professional written on headed notepaper and signed, along with copies of your academic and professional qualifications (degree, masters modules completed etc). These can be scanned and emailed to both admissions (email address on application form) and to me to begin processing.
So its good to see we are receiving applications from you and I have begun to process these. We continue to accept applications until August so please do not leave it too late. Please leave any comments or questions as I am happy to be of help. helen
applying for the PgC teacher preparation programme
Thank you for the emails I have received about your interest in the above programme. Yes you need to apply for the PgC Education in health and social care programme as our new programme the PgC Education in academic and practice settings has not yet been approved and has no admissions code as yet. I have attached a link to the application form for you as a few of you have asked for this. Normally we transfer all new students onto the new programme in September as the programme approval processes are usually complete at this time.
Despite being in the city centre we have a lovely welcoming, green campus that you can enjoy if you plan to study with us here in Glasgow. Its lovely to receive emails from you but feel free to add your questions to the Blog as this means the questions and responses can be shared.
Current students
Keeping current students abreast of programme developments is key to our partnership approach. Today was the last taught session for the year 2 students and we shared the latest update with them. As part of programme review current students are invited to meet with the NMC to share their experiences of the programme.
online PgC

Our new proposed PgC Education in academic and practice settings will offer all students an opportunity to access the programme as online students. This provides flexibility for those who wish to study from further afield including international students. The blended option, where there is a mix of face to face and online sessions will probably still appeal to local students who enjoy peer support. What is good is that we can now offer students regardless of where they live choice and flexibility to fit study into busy professional lives.
I too am a student currently undertaking a Professional Doctorate here at GCU and I fully grasp the benefits of flexible education.
Applying for September 2017?
Welcome to this Blog. My name is Helen Gough and I currently lead a teacher preparation programme here at Glasgow Caledonian University. My primary profession is nursing and I entered my secondary profession of teaching in 1999 when I completed a PgCert higher education then MEd at the University of Strathclyde. My specialist interest is in the preparation of health and social care educators.
The current PgC Education in health and social care (NMC teacher/HEA FEllow) that I lead has been running very successfully for 5 years and is now due for routine re-approval next month. This has given the programme development team, which is made up of current and past students, the programme team and colleagues from clinical practice an opportunity to fully review and enhance the programme. This has included the development of a new title of PgC Education in academic and practice settings.