Normally when undertaking a PgC qualification you are entitled to take a maximum of one year as ‘timeout’ for health, personal reasons etc. A very small (one maybe) number of students do utilise this option each year. This year it is different for the PgC As the PgC EAPS part-time programme will run for one last time 2019-2021. This means that if you take time out of the programme then there is no programme to return to. Instead you will need to carry your module points into another programme.
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recording NMC teacher
Just to let you know that we are waiting for the NMC to confirm that part-time students who commence the programme in 2019 prior to the new standards that have to be in place by 2020, but do not complete until June 2021, still get the opportunity to record NMC teacher. Currently students who complete their PgC with NMC teacher in 2020 as full-time students can definitely record but awaiting a decision re part-time students. As soon as I know I will add the decision here.
quote from year 1 student teacher
Each year I gather thoughts and experiences from the current and the exiting students from the PgC EAPS programme. Ross M, a year 1 student teacher says….
“Course has been a steep learning curve but it has been very enjoyable learning about a completely new profession”
Sept 2019-June 2021 class is the last time the PgC EAPS will run
Some information for you and / or your sponsor.
The 2019 intake to the PgC Education in academic and practice settings (PgC EAPS) will be the last intake for this programme. This is due to the discontinuation of the NMC teacher award in 2020, a history of low student numbers (usually less than 20 students) accessing the PgC EAPS programme and university developments that include programme rationalisation. Therefore, if you have any colleagues who wish to undertake/managers who wish to sponsor (financially support) staff to undertake the teacher preparation programme, please can you alert them that the September 2019 programme (completing in 2021) will be the last opportunity to do so. We are still receiving and processing applications and can still accommodate additional numbers.
So spread the word around your colleagues and managers. I am happy to take any questions at 0141 3321 8333
Best wishes
July 2019 update
Sorry that there have been no Blog posts for a month but lots going on with the programme. Keep your applications coming in, admissions are processing these and we can continue to do this through July and early August.
If there are less than 15 students on the first module then the university cannot run the module. This has not happened since the programme was reconfigured in 2008 but I am duty bound to alert you. Currently we are expecting more than 15 students and as applications continue then all should be good. Induction for the programme takes place the week of 16 September and information about this will follow re date and time.
Looking forward to meeting you all
Best wishes
Hons level equivalency
Good we have a class of 9 students so far and applications still coming in.
Hons level equivalency is for applicants who do not have an honours degree/or any completed masters modules
Hons level equivalencyHere is the guidance if you are completing this. Simply open a new word document and follow the guidance to develop your CV and supporting statement that explains your development from completing your first degree to your current position. Please attach this to your application and send together to admissions here at GCU. helen
class dates 2019/20
This PgC is a blended programme which means for each module there are 6 face to face class sessions and 6 online sessions held over one academic year and two trimesters. The modules are created this way to support full time clinicians and full time students engage with educational theory in a meaningful way. The blended approach is one of the aspects of the programme that students ask to remain the same, as those undertaking part -time study can manage the days to attend class in tandem with their demanding roles in practice.
The taught face to face sessions are held on Thursdays. For year 1 students this is 9-1pm and year 2 students 2-4pm and the dates are:
tri A
26/9/19, 7/11/19 and 5/12/19
tri B
13/2/20, 12/3/20 and 9/4/20
If you feel there is any information missing from the Blog to help you re course information etc please email me at
Application form
Good to have so many notes of interest about the programme from a range of health and social care professionals. The September 2019 class is shaping up well so far, and it will be great to welcome you all in person. Admissions here at GCU ( will now process all your forms and additional documents such as copies of qualifications, references etc. So please do not send me your completed application and evidence. Instead, please email me once you have sent your application to admissions so I can look out for your name and add it to my list. Meantime here is a link to the online application form and the fee details for September 2019. Each PgC module is a masters level 30 point module so please x2 the 15 point credit module to see the module cost depending on your fee status (home, UK, EU, International student)
Best wishes helen
Group work that simulates educational practice
Last week in class the PgC EAPS part-time year one students developed assessment strategies that drew on the principles of assessment (photos of presentations below). This simulated activity provided an opportunity for students to engage with educational theory and apply it to educational practice. All four groups defended their assessment methods in relation to constructive alignment, validity and reliability. Good job all round.