many thanks for all your emails and great to hear so much interest in the PgC EAPS. I have attached the application form here for you so please complete this and send a copy to admissions and to me as this speeds up the process.
- You also need to send me two references (one academic and one practice) on headed notepaper and signed. You can scan these and email PG admissions and please cc me in.
- Your qualifications (again you can scan your degrees, masters module credits ect plus your RN, Physio, HV professional qualification if different from your degree). Again email PG admissions and please cc me in.
- Dont worry if you do not have an honours degree as you can complete an ‘honours degree equivalency’ (CV and statement) if required. If you have completed a masters module successfully then this overides the need for the equivalency
- Your NMC/HCPC/ SSSC print out that indicates current registration (you can download this from your regulatory body website).
- Looking forward to processing your admission very soon. Best wishes helen