Great to see so much interest in the PgC EAPS programme. Many thanks to all 12 of you so far who have submitted application forms. You will all receive an email asking for supporting evidence to allow me to progress your application. What I require from each of you is detailed below and of course if you have already sent your references/copies of degree qualification etc then I tailor the email for you.
Here is what is required to support every application and I am happy to receive scanned email copies:
- One academic and one professional reference (on headed notepaper and signed)
- Copies of academic and professional qualifications such as degree/honours qualifications and any masters modules you have completed
- Your statement of entry from NMC/HCPC
- A completed honours level equivalency if you do not hold an honours degree or M level modules (I will attach guidance)
- Your personal statement supporting application for this particular programme (so your teaching as a professional and why this programme will enhance your professional practice)
Please email your attachments to BOTH me and for speedier processing. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.