Kate (year 2 student May 2018)
This programme has opened the door to my own teaching ability, fostered my enthusiasm and motivation for personal professional development, with the aim to be a teacher of the highest standard. Overall I am thrilled at nearing completion of this programme which has transformed my understanding of a teaching role and has developed my approach to teaching, assessment and curriculum development. To become recognised by the HEA is both an honour and a privilege. This formal recognition provides credibility for my future teaching role.
Joyce (year 2 student May 2018)
I now have a different view of myself as a teacher. I have learned a significant amount about teaching and learning, evaluation, curriculum development and quality assurance. I feel more confident and capable…and view myself as a dual professional. The professional drivers that are influential in my development as a teacher are the NMC quality assessment framework…HEA and QAA. Having reflected on the requirements of the HEA in relation to Fellowship, I believe I have achieved these and enjoyed the process. Overall I have learned the value of CPD in relation to my teaching.