“Everyone is super kind and supportive to each another.”

2024 Applied Psychology graduate Hannah Whitelaw shares her insight into life at GCU and life after graduating from university.

I chose to study at GCU because…

The idea of taking psychological concepts and theories and applying them to real-life situations was fresh and intriguing. The modules were enticing and the opportunity to study in Glasgow allowed me to gain my independence, while still being relatively close to home.

The most important aspect of my university experience has been…

Joining the cheerleading club and eventually becoming becoming President! It gave me to the chance to meet so many incredible people, it has helped to sky rocket my confidence, and allowed me to have fun outside of my degree.

My biggest lesson learned so far is…

Tough times don’t last, only tough people.

What does it mean to you to study at GCU…

Everyone is super kind and supportive to each another.

I get my inspiration from…

The life I’ve imagined for myself in the future.

My next steps look like…

Doing a Masters in Clinical Health Psychology.

You are most likely to bump into me…

Nowhere if it’s a Thursday…


Thank you to Hannah for sharing her GCU experience, if you would like to share your #GCUGradStory visit: https://bit.ly/3C4zNqY 

For more information on how to apply to GCU visit: Undergraduate | GCU

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