“The most important aspect of my university experience has been the learning of new skills and the introduction of meeting new cultures.”

2024 Risk Management graduate Kyle Johnston shares his insight into life at GCU and life after graduating from university.

I chose to study at GCU because…

It’s a very well updated University.

The most important aspect of my university experience has been…

The learning of new skills and the introduction of meeting new cultures.

My biggest lesson learned so far is…

Always plan ahead, never leave things till the last minute.

What does it mean to you to study at GCU…

I never believed I was good enough for higher education, let alone University. This is one of my greatest achievements and making my family proud of me.

I get my inspiration from…


My next steps look like…

Becoming my own boss and inspiring the next generation.

You are most likely to bump into me…

Either at the Commonwealth Games or inspiring the world on a global stage.


Thank you to Kyle for sharing his GCU experience, if you would like to share your #GCUGradStory visit: https://bit.ly/3C4zNqY 

For more information on how to apply to GCU visit: Undergraduate | GCU

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